Whether you’re interested in science and technology or simply curious about them, you’ll find plenty of articles to choose from here. This list contains articles that deal with the history of science and technology, religious accounts of them, and even a few feminist tales about them.
Modern cautionary tales about Faust and the Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Throughout history, fictional cautionary tales have provided insight into the dangers of scientific knowledge. Today, children are more susceptible to such tales. However, adults also benefit from such stories.
Fictional cautionary tales date back to the earliest human stories. For example, the Biblical story of Simon Magus is about a magician who tries to buy apostle powers. The story also demonstrates that science is used as an instrument to achieve salvation. The story also illustrates that science can be used for social improvement.
In the nineteenth century, British authors criticized scientific progress. They believed that technology could threaten the balance between science and ethics. They were worried that science could reach a point where it was unconstrained and incompatible with religion. They also believed that science could upset the balance between religion and nature.
As a result, they created a character, a mad scientist, to represent the dangers of science. Throughout the nineteenth century, British authors used features of the alchemists, natural philosophers, and mad scientists to write stories about the evils of science.
Religious accounts of science and technology
Throughout history, religion and science have had a range of interactions. Some religions have raised concerns over scientific discoveries, while others have sought to integrate science with their traditions.
In the early twentieth century, Jewish scholars accepted biological evolution. However, they were skeptical of Darwinian natural selection. Instead, they advocated a view of reality as a unfolding process. Several Jewish thinkers, including the Latvian-born Abraham Isaac Kook, believed that science and religion were largely separate domains.
Scientific discoveries on human origins challenge traditional religious accounts of human evolution. These discoveries are drawn from a variety of disciplines. They question the historical accounts of Adam and Eve, and challenge the imago Dei.
In the 1960s, the field of science and religion began to develop a more systematic study. Most of the authors in the field were philosophers and theologians. The first specialist journal, Zygon, was published.
Since then, the field has broadened its scope to include non-Christian traditions. Several religions, including Hinduism and Buddhism, raise concerns over scientific developments. Other religions, including Christianity, have attempted to integrate science with their traditions.
Russian experience
During the twentieth century, the rapid spread of scientific ideas brought Russia closer to the West. The country also became more educated. Scientific and technological progress became a kind of religion. The country became an important player in niche areas of biology.
The Russian experience in science and technology is both large and varied. The country is the fifth largest research workforce in the world. Some of its research sectors are showing signs of promising future growth.
For many years, the physical sciences have been the strength of Russian scientific enterprise. In addition, Russia has maintained an important array of international programs.
Russian institutions have extensive experience in studying a variety of organisms. They also possess a wealth of data banks of scientific interest.
Although Russian science has experienced several significant pitfalls, it has also produced some noteworthy achievements. The national research strategy calls for building 15 world-class research centers. It also calls for investing in genomics, materials research, and robotics.
Feminist tales of science and technology
Throughout the twentieth century, feminists have engaged with science and technology critically. In particular, feminists have investigated sexist assumptions in the social sciences. Feminists have been particularly concerned with the lack of women’s participation in science and the marginalization of women in science. Despite the fact that women are present in science in significant numbers, their participation has not been uniformly acknowledged or appreciated. This is because of sexist assumptions in science that have not been thoroughly examined.
Feminist scholars have contributed to the cultural turn in science studies. For example, feminist philosophers of science have been active participants in the discussion of science and science values. In the first half of the twentieth century, the concept of value-free science dominated philosophy of science. The idea of the “best” science, or the value-free ideal, posited that science should be free from social, political, or moral values.
However, in the past few decades, the concept of value-free science has been challenged. Social scientists recognized the social nature of scientific research. For example, research into female contraception was considered “real” science, as was the design of a kitchen device.